Internet & Social

What Does Yellow, Red, Pink, Green Heart On Snapchat Mean?


In Snapchat’s world, the heart points toward the person who receives the most snaps and reciprocates that attention. A digital token of camaraderie emerges on the screen and that playful sign can spark a sense of achievement.

Snapchat has a curious system of icons. Symbols like hearts and baby faces appear next to names, hinting at secret statuses. Each hue carries a distinct message. Some spark excitement, while others might cause confusion. Different Snap emoji’s reveal fascinating clues about snap exchanges.

Here in this article, we will discuss the exact meaning of Snapchat yellow, red, pink, green hearts and baby face icon.

What Does Yellow, Red, Pink, and Green Heart on Snapchat Mean?

Snapchat uses hearts as badges of friendship or frequent activity. They change over time, evolving with snap frequency. Each color often signals a certain stage of closeness, though the official design can shift if Snapchat developers introduce fresh updates. Below is a short table comparing the core hearts:

Heart ColorUsual MeaningDuration Needed
YellowBoth sides rank each other as top friends (#1)Achieved quickly with mutual snapping
RedTwo accounts hold top friend status for 2 weeks+Requires extended consistency
GreenAppears in some regional variants, often specialVaries based on specific testing
PinkTwo accounts maintain top friend status for 2 months or moreRepresents steadfast ties

Users can notice that hearts change color when a certain threshold is reached. Some might only see yellow and red. A green heart may be tested in certain versions. Pink often crowns the long-haul snap buddies.

What Does Yellow Heart on Snapchat Mean?

A bright yellow heart indicates that two contacts are each other’s primary best friend. That spot goes to the person who receives the most snaps, while also sending the most back. It can feel like a trophy, though it might appear and disappear rather quickly.

Lapses in daily snaps can cause the yellow heart to leave. High-volume snap exchanges with another individual can also dethrone the current best friend.

Some see that golden icon as a sweet sign of dedication. Others treat it as a status symbol, searching for ways to keep it visible for days. Quick replies, frequent photo snaps, and mutual enthusiasm often help maintain that cheerful heart.

What Does Red Heart on Snapchat Mean?

The red heart typically replaces the yellow one once the same two accounts stay each other’s main best friend for around two weeks. A steady exchange of snaps pushes the badge from yellow to red. Longer streaks highlight a stronger connection. That bump in color might give a boost of pride to those who chase consistency.

Regular snaps must continue to retain that red symbol. If daily activity slows, or a new friend outsnaps the current companion, that badge can vanish. Regular photo or video snaps often prove key to keeping it secure.

What Does Pink Heart on Snapchat Mean?

The pink heart stands as the pinnacle of Snap friendship. Maintaining the #1 best friend slot for about two months typically triggers two pink hearts. That bright pair suggests unwavering dedication to snapping each other. A common reaction is excitement or a sense of achievement, given the consistent attention needed to reach pink status.

Some might worry that losing daily momentum would cause the hearts to revert to a lower color. Another risk involves a new friend capturing the top spot through heavy snapping. Strategies for keeping pink hearts include:

  • Ensuring multiple snaps every day.
  • Avoiding extended breaks or slowdowns in conversation.
  • Balancing time spent on other friends, so no competitor rises above.

That pair of hearts might appear small on the screen, yet it can stir big emotions among frequent Snapchat users.

What Does Green Heart on Snapchat Mean?

The green heart shows up in some test versions of Snapchat. In certain regions or under specific circumstances, a green heart may replace older hearts or indicate a unique status. Several users have reported sightings of green hearts, though it may not appear widely in all app versions.

Speculation abounds about its exact meaning. Some guess that it reflects a newly created seasonal event. Others say it might mark a group friend status or a limited test feature. An official pattern does not always exist for every region. Checking app updates or changes in the friend list can offer hints. Below are a few possibilities shared by some enthusiasts:

  • Seasonal Variation: Introduced during special holidays or limited-time events.
  • Testing: Snapchat might run experiments for a small subset of users.
  • Group Chat Feature: A rare badge that emerges under specific group settings.

A green heart might remain elusive for a large segment of the user base until more official info comes out.

What Does Baby Head on Snapchat Mean?

A tiny baby face icon sometimes shows up next to a friend’s name. That symbol suggests a fresh relationship on Snapchat. The baby face appears when two accounts recently added each other or started interacting through snaps. It signals a budding connection that might progress to the yellow heart stage if snapping intensifies.

The baby icon can vanish quickly, since moving to a different badge might occur if a few days of consistent snaps happen. Some find it charming, while others see it as a prompt to send more pictures. Regular snaps can move that relationship up the ladder.

Can the Snapchat Yellow Heart Appear for Multiple Users?

Certain hearts remain exclusive to a single top friend. The yellow heart falls under that category. Only one account can hold the #1 best friend spot at a time. Frequent snapping with more than one contact might rotate the best friend rank, but not multiple yellow hearts at once.

Some might notice the yellow heart vanish if daily interactions with another user ramp up. That sense of competition can spark playful rivalries, though it might require consistent snapping to preserve the title.

Can the Snapchat Red Heart Appear for Multiple Users?

The red heart also stays reserved for a single user. It reflects a dedication to one top friend over a span of weeks. Strong snap volume shared with multiple contacts can shift the ranking list, but only one individual retains the #1 position that turns yellow hearts into red ones.

Ties are not typical. The algorithm tends to break ties by awarding the best friend badge to whichever contact edges out the others in total snaps. Short videos and images both count toward that total, provided they are directly exchanged.

Can the Snapchat Pink Heart Appear for Multiple Users?

Pink hearts mark the pinnacle of best friend status between two accounts. No parallel pink hearts appear for separate individuals on a single account. Each user holds only one #1 best friend slot, so pink hearts cannot duplicate themselves in an account’s friend list.

Once the top friend is secured for a couple of months, the pink hearts show up. Shifting alliances or changing snap volumes might break that streak, leading to a downgrade in color or total removal of hearts. That exclusivity heightens the feeling of uniqueness, since investing time in multiple best friends does not allow multiple pink hearts simultaneously.

Can the Snapchat Green Heart Appear for Multiple Users?

For those who see a green heart, limited data suggests it also remains a one-user scenario. In official circles, Snapchat has not confirmed wide availability of that symbol. Some folks never see it, while others claim it replaces red or pink hearts in special circumstances. A single top companion is the usual scenario, so multiple green hearts typically do not occur.

That color might remain a fleeting or experimental badge. The best approach involves checking official updates or user forums for any new announcements. Testing phases sometimes introduce features that vanish without notice.


Snapchat hearts and emojis transform everyday photo exchanges into a playful badge system. Colors shift as friendships mature. The baby face marks a new addition, then the yellow heart emerges with frequent snapping, followed by red or possibly green, and eventually pink hearts for the most devoted interactions. Each stage provides a fun reward for staying connected.

Hearts cannot appear in multiples for the same person. Only one user can occupy that top friend spot at a time. Daily snaps hold the power to lock in each heart color. Dropped conversations or surpassing snap volume from another friend will cause changes in that ranking.

A few want to chase each heart color, while others prefer to see them as a charming bonus that brightens each chat. Either way, hearts deliver an extra dash of excitement and competition on the platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How often does Snapchat update heart colors?

Snapchat typically updates friendship emojis daily. The system checks snap frequency and assigns or removes hearts based on snap volume.

2. Do text chats affect best friend status?

Only photo or video snaps usually determine heart icons. Text messages or calls do not count.

3. Is it possible for hearts to disappear overnight?

A sudden drop in snap activity, or a competitor snapping more frequently, can remove a heart rather quickly.

4. Why do some users never see a green heart?

That color sometimes appears in specific test versions or certain regions. Not every account will encounter the green heart feature.

5. Does the baby face remain visible for a long time?

The baby icon normally shows up for newly added friends or brief early stages. Consistent snapping can replace it with another emoji.

6. Is a pink heart guaranteed after two months?

Pink hearts require two accounts to remain top friends for about two months. Any interruption in daily snaps might prevent that color from forming.

7. What happens if multiple contacts have the same snap frequency?

Snapchat’s algorithm tends to break ties by awarding the top spot to the person who logs slightly higher engagement.

8. Do Streaks differ from hearts?

Streaks measure consecutive days of snapping. Hearts indicate highest friend rank over time, rather than daily streak length.

9. Can a user hold both the yellow heart and a flame icon at the same time?

Yes. A mutual best friend status and an ongoing snap streak can coexist without conflict.

10. Does blocking or removing a contact erase heart history?

Blocking or removing someone will usually reset the friendship ranking. Re-adding might bring back emojis later if snapping resumes.

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